Summer Camps: Camp Norland partners with Coldwater Canada to offer many different lengths and varieties of overnight wilderness trips for people of all ages. Check the Coldwater Canada website for more info on the current year’s programs based out of Norland.
For now click here to enjoy a few photos of Norland summer camps through the decades.
Camp Norland Grounds & Event Centre: Looking to book Camp Norland for your upcoming event? The site has seen many upgrades the last few years and is ready for your ideas and your people to gather and enjoy this magical place on Deer Lake.
Click here to pay a virtual visit the Norland Event Centre.
Click here to pay a virtual visit to the cabins, camp grounds, and Old Lodge.
Vespers Rock
Vespers means “a service of evening prayer”
This spot perched atop the site of Camp Norland is a favourit for most visitors.
Click here for a few glimpses of the view over Deer Lake, but you’ll have to see if for yourself to get the full experience!
Retreat and Conference Centre Build
In the late 1980s and early 1990s special building teams took on the work of putting an event centre on site, so that even more people of all ages could enjoy Camp Norland.
Click here to see a few snapshots of the building project.
2015 – Video of Adventure Camp
1st summer partnering with Coldwater Canada for summer camp